Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thing One: Creativity

I think that to be creative in todays world is that you have to be able to accept not only what you think but what others think as well. It's good to do thing how you want to do them, but also to look at how someone else might see them, because it could help to broaden your thinking of things. Also, creativity means not being afraid to show others what you can do. It might be any kind of creative work, but you also have to have the guts to show people how you think or feel. Even though youshow people one thing and then create another in private, you are at least showing that you have something to say or show. I guess I think to be creative to to be brave enough to express yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right about creativity requiring guts. It's hard to have confidence in what you are doing, it's not easy for everyone.

